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At certain intervals, we offer artwork from our archive for sale on this page for the highest bid. We aim to offer one artwork per month, but this is subject to viewing, evaluation and approval. To avoid missing out on any sales, you should definitely check the site regularly and find out about the actual auction.

Soon on Auction:

About this Artwork

  • Description: Check Gallery
  • Minimum Bid: 12.500 USD
  • End of Bidding: not yet started

How it works...

The "Minimum Bid" sum and the "End of Bidding" day are stated. In an ongoing auction, the line "Minimum Bid" changes to "Actual Bid". Bids can be submitted until the expiry of the "End of Bidding" day (00 UTC = midnight Greenwich time) using the email at "Contact". The respective highest bid is updated anonymously every 12 hours. The highest bid buys the work and the buyer will be contacted by us. Once we know where the work is going, the shipping costs will be calculated. Shipping takes place after receipt of the purchase price plus shipping costs. As usual, legal recourse is excluded.